Laser Therapy
Your pets' are part of your family and you want them to have the best quality of life. Laser therapy has many benefits for your pet. Your pet will not feel any discomfort during treatments. Many times with laser therapy, pain medications can be reduced or completely eliminated. Laser therapy has been used for over 30 years to successfully treat conditions in humans and is extremely safe. Laser therapy can help achieve that goal.
Conditions That Can Be Improved With Laser Therapy Include:
Acute & Chronic Pain
Back Injuries
Cystitis (bladder infections)
Degenerative Joint Disease
Hip Dysplasia
Inflammation & Edema
Insect Bites/Stings
Lick Granulomas
Numerous Skin Conditions
Otitis (ear infections & inflammation)
Post Surgical Pain Relief & Increased Healing Time
Sprains & Strains
Wound Healing
...And much more!
What Advantages Does Laser Therapy Have Over Other Forms Of Therapy?
Does not require the use of drugs or surgery
Fewer side effects and risks compared to oral medications
Quick and convenient
No patient sedation and minimal restraint required
Immediate results: Most treated pets feel better in 12 to 24 hours
Studies show that it is equal to or more effective than other forms of physical therapy
Speeds the healing process
We are pleased to offer this exciting benefit for your pet. Please call our office to schedule and appointment for a consultation or for further information.